
So, Tuesday the 22nd was my 22nd Birthday 🙂

Thanks to everyone who made me feel loved all day long: the office crew for the card and singing, Katrina for the MASSIVE bouquet of flowers and the funny cards, and for telling me Happy Birthday a few hundred times through out the day, thank you skim for such a thoughtful gift, your friendship is a blessing! Thank you to my wonderful boss Michelle for the pedicure, QUITE the new experience for me 😉 and to Alison for spending the evening with me – you are a treasure. AND to my friend Nicholas for the 22 different birthday text’s – you might be the most creative person I know bro! And for all of the text messages, phone cards, and facebook’s – thank you! On top of it all my brother Jeremy paid for me to go get my hair done and i’m lovin having color back again, I can’t believe I’ve lasted this long with out it 🙂

Being that this date fell in the middle of an extended fast, that was the extent of the celebration, but you better believe I’ll be eating chocolate cake in DC!!

22 Day’s till theCall DC, gather your people Lord to fast and pray, we believe that You are full of Mercy, we believe there is hope for America

June 26, 2008

These past few weeks have been a whirlwind. August 16th is looming larger and larger before us as we work hard to see TheCall DC come together and pray the Lord’s mercy over our efforts. Written in big letters on the dry erase board in our meeting room rest the words “Unless the Lord builds the house we labor in vain”. Build the house o Lord!

Working in TheCall house doing my time in the Prayer Room, singing on a worship team, landscaping around my house, and finding time to eat, sleep and shower has been an interesting swirl but I continue to fight for God’s will in my schedule and responsibilities. 2008 started with our switch off of the Night watch, the schedule and life I had lived for 2 years and the changes haven’t stopped; looking at the closing of June I can’t help but shudder at the thought of the rest of the year continuing at this pace.

Today I woke early to go to the office. Walking in the building a blinking “117 new messages” greeted me cheerily from the phone and I sighed. The morning progressed with my grumpiness which is odd! Grumpy days are rare but this was proving to be a bad one and I finally collapsed in my desk, which happens to be an old gold coloured chair in the corner of the office i confessed my emotions to Michelle my boss. Working as Michelle’s assistant has been a joy! Her heart is rooted in the love of Christ and though she understands the magnitude of the task before us she is always first concerned about our hearts and willing to give us time to talk.  Today she gently, but firmly, suggested I take a walk.

“Go outside, just for 20 minutes and eat lunch. You’ll feel better”

After a little prompting I agreed and found myself in a moment at the old meeting place, Shiloh. Walking down the gravel drive to the lake I was reminded of SO many mornings after leaving the prayer room when I would wait for the sun to rise and go spend an hour in the stillness. Today was beautiful; 2 ducks on the lake, a gentle breeze blowing through the cattails and whistling through the grass as the wildflowers bobbed to the tune of the birds singing in the trees. Nestling down on a log I absorbed the sunshine. Within minutes peace began to wash over me and soak into my soul, deep inside I’m still a country girl, and the place where I find Him the best is in the purity of His creation.

My rest was disturbed by the sound of something approaching, quite loudly. Suddenly, leaping over the tall grass and nearly flying straight into my log was a tiny faun. Maybe a foot and a half tall it stopped still shocked to find me in it’s playground and blinked his huge dark eyes before turning and bounding away.

Surely You are beautiful my Lord.

I see You there hanging on a tree, You bled and then You died and then You rose again for me. Now You are sitting on Your hevenly throne, and soon You will be coming home: Youre Beautiful.

-Phil Whickham